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Hendo Hoverboards 

Choosing a New York Times article, I promoted a future event on the campus of UWSP that would involve a guest speaker. For this, I chose to promote the advancement of hover boards and their iconic stature in 1989 as well as in present day society by having Greg Henderson, the CEO of Hendo speak at the Dreyfus University Center on campus.


To effectively do this I had to correspond directly with Hendo Corporation and their marketing specialist in order to ascertain the photos necessary for the duotone aspect of the project. I took direct quotes from the article that emphasized the importance of this groundbreaking technological feat, and duo-toned images that portrayed the potential of such a project.


Through the content provided I made an accordion booklet that could sit in the Dreyfus University Center or by other brochures on campus as well as postcard mailers to be sent directly to individuals’ homes.

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