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Koguryo Tournament

The Koguryo Tournament is an event planning design solution centered around Tae Kwon Do. For this solution, I decided to create a tournament that brought together current, past, and future Tae Kwon Do champions in a winner-takes-all tournament centered around the traditional events of breaking, chopping, and hand-to-hand combat. Having previously been in Tae Kwon Do when I was younger, I decided to use the dojo I had previously trained at, Park Institute in Wisconsin Rapids as the tournament headquarters and Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School as the place where the event was held.


For the event itself, I produced a program/visitors guide of all events taking place and at what times, a name tag for each competitior, a mailable flyer that talked about the event, and a website centered around all of the activities happening for this three-day tournament. The tournament was named after Tae Kwon Do's place of origin and the logo mark itself is an abstraction of the movements used in Tae Kwon Do.


One of the most important aspects of this project was creating each piece to match the overall feel of Tae Kwon Do as not only a sport, but also as an acivity centered around key wholisitc and family-based values. Thus, I included speakers and training sessions within the overall context of the event. A map was also produced to accommodate wayfinding and locations for each event.

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